Does, your toddler miss out no afternoon naps? Beware, it may make your kid more stressed, unhappy and also increase the risk of life-lone mental health problems, a new US study has claimed.
Researches at the university of Colorado Boulder found that young kids who miss just one daytime nap become more anxious and less interested in the world around them.
They are also less excited by happy events and found the slighted stressful event hard to cope with. T he is because missing naps taxes the way toddlers express different feelings”, the researchers said and long term sleep deprivation, they warned, could even lead to lifelong, mood related problems, Daily Main reported.
For the study, the team measured the sleep patterns of toddlers aged two to three years. The kids wore a special device which measured how much they slept, with their parents also keeping a sleep log.
The researchers filmed the kids’ facial expressions as they completed two jigsaws on one day when they’d had their usual na, and on another when they’d been deprived of it.
The result, published in the journal of sleep Research, shows that third toddlers who successfully completed the first puzzle were 34 percent less positive in their emotional responses than when they’d been well rested.
And on being given another deliberately unsolvable puzzle the team noticed that the tired toddlers were a third more stressed by than when they’d enjoyed their usual nap.
Toddlers who had missed out one nap were also more than a third (39 percent) less curious about the unsolvable puzzle than when they were well rested, said Prof Le Bourgeois.
Prof LeBourgeois said: “A sleepy child in a classroom or nursery environment may not be able to engage with others and benefit from positive interactions.”
“This study shows insufficient sleep in the form of missing a nap taxes the way toddlers express different feelings, and overtime, may shape their developing emotional brains and put them at risk for lifelong, mood-related problems, just like good nutrition, adequate sleep in a basic need, “ she added.
A Suit that makes you feel 75 year old!
Researchers have now developed an old person suit dubbed agnes, that makes the wearer feel just as uncomfortable as a 75 years old, who has spent a life time on a poor direct and not much exercise.
Agnes stand for age gain now empathy system’ and was created by researchers at Mit’s Age Lab to imitate what it physically feels like to be am old person with arthritis and diabetes. “The business of old age demands new tools, thy Sydney morning Herald quoted Joseph Coughlin, director of the agelab as saying. “ while focus groups and observations and surveys can help you understand what the older consumer needs and wants, young marketers never get that Ah ha! Movement of having difficulty opening a jar, or getting in an out of a car, that’s what agnes provides. “ special shoes provide a feeling of imbalance, while braces on the knees and elbows limit joint mobility.
Gloves give the illusions of decreased strength and mobility in the hands and wrists, and earplugs make it difficult to hear high-pitched sounds and soft tones. A helment with straps attached to it compresses the spine, and more straps attached to the shoes decrease hamstring flexibility, and shortens the wearer’s gait. “The three words we associate with wearing Agnes are fatigue, friction and frustrations, “ said Coughlin. Coughlin said that suit has also been used by clothing companies, car companies and retail goods companies to help them understand the limitation of an older consumer.
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